
About Hemochromatosis

Learn about hemochromatosis

What is Oxidation and Why is it a Problem with Iron Overload?

Oxidation in Hemochromatosis

Oxidation is a fundamental problem of iron overload and is a major reason why individuals with hemochromatosis develop worsening health concerns over time. As a person stores more and more iron in their body, one progressive consequence of iron overload is a chronic state known as “oxidative stress.” In this state, excess iron creates oxidation

What is Oxidation and Why is it a Problem with Iron Overload? Read More »

Hereditary Hemochromatosis – One of the Most Common Genetic Diseases

Hereditary Hemochromatosis Article Header Image

Understanding Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload You are not alone! Millions of individuals and their families from around the world are affected by iron overload. Whether caused by Type 1 hereditary hemochromatosis or another condition leading to excess iron in the body, the shared reality is a struggle to find answers. Perhaps this is why you

Hereditary Hemochromatosis – One of the Most Common Genetic Diseases Read More »