Real People, Real Results:
Success Stories with
Hemochromatosis Help
Since 2012, you have written us from around the globe, sharing your stories, your challenges, and your successes.
You’ve written about how changing your diet and making a commitment to nutrition have led to incredible results and improvements in your health and your quality of life.
Read below for 100s of stories and comments from fellow Hemochromatosis Help readers who have amazed even their doctors with their results!
I've learned so much. Your books are the best I've read on the subject. Diligence to many small changes has paid off. Thank you and your wife for your excellent research and sharing your knowledge.
I have recently purchased some of your supplements and look forward to starting them. I have always been an active and healthy person and your advice and information will allow me to continue to be that way without being lost and frustrated! I will continue my blood draws as needed but hope to get to a point where 1-2 x annually is all that I need.
Keep up the great work!
Testimonials for Hemochromatosis Help's Products and Services
DISCLAIMER: Everyone is unique, and each of these stories is one person’s opinion or experience. We cannot guarantee that you will have similar results from any of the products or services listed below. An individual’s health may respond in many different ways to dietary and nutritional plans. As always, follow recommendations from your personal health care provider as they know you best!

Website and Newsletter Testimonials

Holistic Health for Hemochromatosis Book Testimonials
One of the most jaw dropping pieces of information was that carriers can actually have iron overload. My hematologist told me years ago that carriers will never exhibit symptoms. I have a niece who is a carrier and has had episodes of high Ferritin. Her primary care doc told her she doesn't have hemochromatosis, even though her DNA came back as a carrier with elevated Ferritin levels.
Since most of my family are carriers, this information is a game changer.
I was so excited to find out that I had a hereditary disorder that was causing my pain. But, I cannot find an M.D. who understands the implications of Hemochromatosis on health, nor offered any guidelines except the initial blood draws. It has been frustrating for me, so this book has been a God send. I found the book easy to understand, in simple terms that I didn't have to get the dictionary to find out what they meant. Thank you for your work.
I must say the most upsetting thing with all of this is how little people know about this diagnosis. I too, had never heard of it and began my google journey only to find I was more confused than ever. I read a little of your book then stop to shake my head. I see why this is so under diagnosed for the symptoms can be quite vague and can fall into numerous illness profiles….but why aren't the care providers more aware?
I want to keep this brief for I could go on and on. I am eager to get back to your book and I find I am so excited to have discovered you among the internet chaos. You and your wife are providing a valuable service to so many people, but so many more need to receive this information.
Today, I ordered both of your books: Holistic Help for Hemochromatosis, and Cooking for Hemochromatosis, on your website. I found out about you folks & your website & books, etc. & your years of research & work for those with iron disorders, during this month, & I am impressed-by your research, books & work & efforts to help others with iron disorders---& that this started with your discovering that you had an iron disorder. Thank you for making your 2 books available, at such a modest price. I am in the process of learning how best to deal with this condition, what natural supplements I can use, & what adjustments in my diet I can make. One thing that has been a problem for me, is: That though I am with a good Health Org. & Doctor, they are not nearly as well informed as you are-about those with iron disorders, & how to help them. I offer my sincere appreciation & thanks to you & your Org. & hope you will continue your work & helping those with iron disorders toward better health. May God bless you, Respectfully -

Thank you for writing the book and for the website.
I have always followed a natural health way of living and since my diagnosis I’ve collated much information from various sources, but to have it all together in one book will now make it so much easier for quick reference when needed.
Again, thank you.
The Take-Home Messages were helpful by condensing information into quick to read and easy to understand terms. The Bibliography was very thorough and detailed. It gives the reader assurance that the information contained in the book is well-researched.

Cooking for Hemochromatosis Book Testimonials
Excellent cookbook, the best one out there. I have learned so much about what is good and what is bad and the foods that should not be combined and why. I like how I can take a recipe and modify a ingredient or two and you have a different meal.
I loved all your explanations. I want to learn all I can about eating real food again. The pictures are great.

to this book.
It's abundantly clear on every page that this is a labor of love for your readers and that you've put so much time and effort into making this a helpful text for a very diverse audience.
The other Hemochromatosis cookbook I bought does little of this and the recipes are not the types of food we eat. I was sorry I bought this other cookbook as I will never really use it. Your cookbook is very useful and I thank you for writing it. You did a great job.
Thank you, Dr. Kristina Lewis!!

Hemochromatosis Help Nutritional Supplements Testimonials
I just thought I’d let you know my blood test results. My ferritin level was way down but my transferrin saturation was 48. Normally if the ferritin and the saturation are up to around 50 or over I would have to have a venous section ( that’s what they call it in Australia) The doctor felt that because my ferritin was way down that she wanted me to not worry about the VS and have another blood test in 3 months. I told her about the Turmeric Cream and she just said that it could be helping so just keep it up. (which I would have done anyway) Anyway, just thought you would be interested to know. All the best and keep up the good work!! 🙂
I am thrilled that you have the curcumin in a cream form. Many times it is not convenient to take it in capsule form. It's just so nice to be able to put the cream on and not have to worry about it any more – such an easy way to help lower high ferritin. I now can look at menus and not be scared of ordering something other than vegetarian.
I have just ordered my next batch of turmeric cream for my genetic haemochromatosis from you. I live in the UK.
I thought you might like to hear that ever since I bought and read both your books about April 2019 I have managed to avoid having to have venesections. I have been using your cream and also take milk thistle capsules amongst other things. I have an issue with having blood taken, a phobia of needles and also my veins move while the nurse is trying to take blood so although the particular nurse I try to see is very good none of the others have managed it well. I was desperate not to have blood taken more than needed.
The last blood test I had gave my ferritin as 19.3 and I had to come home and have a steak as they didn't want it below 20. I think because we had to cancel some holidays and not eating out with Covid being around I was doing more cooking. I have been having fish, pork and chicken products but quite a lot of eggs and vegetarian dishes but always bearing in mind your advice most of the time. We are of course lucky in UK in that our local French breads etc are not fortified (I have downloaded a list of our local supermarket's products with the details). I brought some French flour back on a visit to France on holiday as well.
I have to say your advice has enabled me to manage my condition reasonably well without too much deprivation of foods that I like though it would be nice to have to liver pate or our black pudding once in a while!
Thank you very much
Dear Dr. Eric, I have suffered from what I would describe as restless legs starting at about 3pm and carrying on the entire night making sleep difficult. I have followed the diet plus supplements for one month and have had no restless legs for 5 nights!! Like many (post menopausal) women when diagnosed with hemochromatosis I was told to avoid iron rich foods, donate blood and do yoga!I decided to take things into my own hands and to follow the diet and supplement protocol and so far I feel much better. Thank you!
Since reading your book I have given more consideration to my meals and began to take the supplements that you recommended. For the past 1 1/2 months I have been taking Calcium, Milk Thistle, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric, along with my multi-vitamin that has no iron.
Today I went for CBC along with Ferritin analysis. For the first time in 25 years my ferritin dropped without a phlebotomy. Ferritin levels- August 2017: 379; March 8, 2018: 550; August 1, 2018: 256.
I think I am a believer now! Thank you so much!
My husband has been applying just one pump per day of the Hemochromatosis Help Turmeric Cream and his ferritin dropped from 862 to 572 in two months! We were floored when the test results arrived. Also, his liver is no longer swollen on palpation. We are so grateful to you, and will be delighted if others experience similar good results.
Just wanted to let you know about my recent experience with two of your products, namely the Magnesium and Turmeric lotions. Long story short, I had some baseline and follow up iron studies down before and after using these two products daily and have reduced my serum ferritin from 243 to 209 in less than 4 weeks. My doctor is impressed. Usually I would need to have donated blood several times to achieve this result. I have also being chewing Calcium whenever I eat red meat and consuming several cups of green tea a day. It is clearly working, thanks to your products and advice, and may offer me a longer term solution to having phlebotomy.
I have been faithful with my use of your fantastic TURMERIC CREAM and I swear my overall good health and sense of well-being are a direct result! I apply the cream at night and my sleep seems to be so much improved. I no longer awake in the early a.m. hours. There is a very pronounced sense of calm that I have learned to expect from the Turmeric Cream. In general, I simply feel better and face each day with a stronger resolve to achieve maximum health and enjoyment.
Your turmeric cream is wonderful! In the last 6 weeks since I started taking it, my ferritin level is down 21 points. Also, I can get to sleep so much better now... it's really helpful!
I just wanted to tell my story. I have hereditary hemochromatosis. My ferritin levels were over 2000. I tried blood letting and over 8 months I got the number down to about 200. But the blood letting was terrible. So I started taking your tumeric supplement, and gave up on the blood letting. Less than a year later the ferritin level was at 75 ! This stuff is amazing ! Thank you for what you do, you've helped me a lot.
I believe that along with a healthy diet, your supplements have kept my Ferritin level below where my Hematologist wants it to be. I have not needed a therapeutic phlebotomy in several months!

I wanted to share that I had my son try your turmeric lotion and, I must admit I was skeptical, it actually worked! His ferritin dropped from 901 to 683 in one month.