
United Kingdom Haemochromatosis Resources

United Kingdom Haemochromatosis Resources


Genetic Haemochromatosis (GH) is thought to be the most common genetic disorder in the United Kingdom.

In fact, 1 in 8 people in the UK are carriers of the gene for haemochromatosis, making it more likely than most other populations to be at risk for GH.

All told, estimates suggest 250,000 people have the genetic predisposition… yet roughly only 5,000 individuals have been clinically diagnosed with haemochromatosis.  Many people are affected by this condition of iron overload yet have no idea.

Holistic Help for Genetic Haemochromatosis

Hello, my name is Eric Lewis.  I am a naturopathic doctor residing in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina in the United States. Asheville is a small city in the Western part of North Carolina, surrounded by the idyllic Blue Ridge Mountains.  We are fortunate to have a very fit and active population, with a strong emphasis on health and well being.

As a naturopathic doctor, I have a very holistic approach to health care.  And as an individual with haemochromatosis, I bring a unique perspective on how to address our condition of iron overload.

I count myself fortunate to have connected with many wonderful people from the UK.

Nearly 10% of my readers are from the United Kingdom.

IMG_8547I have also been proud to be apart of a haemochromatosis awareness campaign sponsored by the Leeds Ladies Football Club.

Awareness is essential, and I’m glad to help out… even from all the way across the pond! 🙂

Let’s cover some of the basics of iron overload, and later on in this article I will detail how I can best be of service to you.

Haemochromatosis Diagnosis and Treatment in the United Kingdom

Getting tested for haemochromatosis is less commonplace than it should be, in my opinion.  Like here in the States, UK physicians do not always routinely run an iron panel on patients.  Especially if you have a family member with high iron, be sure to inquire about testing.

A wonderful organisation is the Haemochromatosis Society of the UK.  Rightfully so, they suggest iron removal by venesection even if the symptom picture is not clearly indicative of GH.  They state:

The need for treatment to remove excess iron does not depend upon the presence of clinical symptoms.  The risk of developing a serious complaint such as cirrhosis is much too great to be overlooked.

Well said!  I have communicated with numerous individuals with haemochromaosis, and I find it quite common for one person’s symptom picture to look entirely different than another’s.  Haemochromatosis Symptoms are often confusing and they can be attributed to other conditions.

The earlier an individual can receive the correct diagnosis and begin treatment, the greater chance for success.

A few other UK laboratory resources for me to share with you include:

Holistic Help for Haemochromatosis

My area of expertise is to provide educational information regarding a complementary and integrative approach to haemochromatosis.  Diet and supplementation can play a very positive role in your overall health care plan.

I spend a great deal of time researching natural remedies that complement your medical care.  Fortunately, I have found a number of nutrients and herbal remedies that are generally regarded as safe, all while having clinical research to back up their effectiveness to support your health.

Haemochromatosis Books and Supplements

Having received strong interest and requests for our unique nutritional supplements and our two haemochromatosis books, we have worked to find reliable and affordable ways to ship supplements to the United Kingdom.

We are often asked if these products are available to those outside the United States, and we’re happy to say the answer is yes! We mail our products to the UK regularly.

Our supplements do ship from our office in Asheville, North Carolina, and typical transit times are 1-3 weeks.

We actually have an arrangement with a printer in the UK, so our books are printed and shipped directly to you from Milton Keynes, just outside of London. This results in faster and more efficient shipping times than if we mailed the books from the States.

Want an even-faster delivery? Purchase the e-book version, and it’ll be on your computer instantaneously!

One more note about our books–we were very conscious of keeping our international readers in mind when we wrote our books. You may be pleased to know that measurements for recipes have all been converted to the Metric equivalents, and there are even a few recipes written just for you in our cookbook (check out page 176, “Digestive Biscuits,” as an example!).

We hope you enjoy exploring the rest of our website!

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